To many it may seem a normal morning and its the course of nature. How are you starting the day. Is it just a day dawning or are you waking up with purpose. There much more to the start of the day than you think.
Thinks to ponder

So when you start the day start the day like a person starting the day to end it with a winning stroke. It starts with the way you keep feeding your mind and keep expecting positive things to come across your way through out the day. At the same time be prepared to turn the negative and bad situations that cross your path as you as a human being have full control over what you think and decide and you can and CAN do whatever it takes to make your day have the flavor of positivism. NEVER GIVE UP YOU ARE MEANT TO WIN.

The next one is the hare and tortoise race that you have heard as a child. It carries a great truth and a load of encouragement for you. Its not what people think. It may be true too. But if you don't let it get into you and feel discouraged enough to let it go.... THERE IS ALWAYS CHANCES FOR YOU TO WIN AND SUCCEED. So in the morning make up your mind to be watchful and keep running your course without letting anything to bother you or weigh you down or get distracted from the line of victory which is always within your reach.
Have a great day ahead.
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