Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The formation of SELF

Have you wondered who you are. As a person you may be doing a working or studying; you could be a male or female and would think that is you.
When some one asks to describe you ; you say

  • I am a man working as a software Engineer
  • I am a girl studying in 8th grade
  • I am a women and i am fashion Designer

All human beings are made up of personality and that too at times define who you are

  • I am a stubborn person
  • I am very kind 
  • He is very stingy
  • He is very analytical
Man as a human being is created based on the series of thoughts layered in his mind forming the perception and attitude of himself, others and situations. 
  • Men are always like that
  • Women always are beauty cautious
  • Kids are innocent
  • I cannot do this work
  • I am not good at it
  • I can do this work in no time
  • I can handle this
  • This work is not for me

So its like the process of training a elephant. Elephant is a huge animal with enormous power to turn things upside down. But it is also tamed and once its tamed it loses the power and ferociousness and becomes domesticated.  It is no longer a threat. 

It moves around with the same physical appearance but inside its totally changed. Its no more the elephant it was created to be. How is such a huge thing possible. When the elephant is small the training starts. Its tied to a pole stronger than him and let there. He tries and tries to move it and pull it down.

But all the attempts fail. It ties everyday and fails. Because of this failed attempts over the years it comes to a conclusion that it cannot escape when it is tied to a pole and stand there. Over the period of time it looses its originality and becomes tamed. The real power and wild nature takes a dormant place.

In the same manner your personality and the I Can and I Cannot perspective would have formed based on what people have repeatedly spoken over and about you. Your real abilities may lie dormant for a long time and many are not even know to you unless some incident stirs it out.

So take the initiative today
  1. Never say I cannot do or talk or anything before trying it.
  2. Start taking risk. 
  3. Have an attitude of trying and never quit. Over a period you will become an expert. 
  4. All human beings are born with almost the qualities and abilities. It just those who make the best use of what they have and tried to take risk have succeeded in life. 
  5. Always know success is not going to fall into your lap. You have to keep trying with a positive attitude and sure success is at arm's reach. 
Have a great day. 

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