In this world everything is got quick. From food, ticket booking, shopping and even bank transactions are all in the finger tip. This has cultivated an attitude of WANT NOW attitude even among the adults. Like kids who cry in the supermarket the adults are also not trained. Now no one has the patience to stand in queue to get things done. We sit in the comfort of the home and get things done at our convenience.

So having know this never compare the development of positive attitude to a fast food shop. Consider it as the agricultural process with good confirmed results. So at the end of the day the achievement is not how you have reacted or failed. Always evaluate how much you have changed from the beginning. Always compete with yourself in that way you will be motivated and will know the positive changes that have come in.
Always have positive expectations and enjoy even the slight victories you get in your day. Enjoy every day. One day a time. Sure results are guaranteed. Enjoy the process.
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