All human beings are emotional beings. Humans are not machines. This sets us apart. I recently read where they have invented a robot with emotions. But emotions are a strong feeling deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others. These feeling can be good and bad. The feelings have a great impact over how we react, what we do and what decisions we make. Emotional decisions are many times taken without thinking rationally and is taken over a quick span of time. While experiencing emotions people feel they are out of control and react without thinking and spontaneously. But emotions can be tamed and brought under control.
Hurt cause pain or injury to. Physical hurt is taken care by medicines. But emotional hurt is mostly handled alone, is ignored and kept suppressed. When you don't know how to handle it you end up with
- |Loneliness
- Being depressed
- Hurting self
- Ignoring self
- Getting stressed
- Self Pity
- Reliving the instance
- Justifying yourself
But nobody can get hurt without control. The truth is you get hurt when you allow it. You get hurt when you value what the other person has said. And when you relive it in the place of loneliness later you allow yourself to be hurt again. The more you think and live in that place with self pity you are allowing yourself to be hurt and you keep the wound raw.
Happiness is a choice. You can choose to live in hurt and take the comfort of self pity or move on ignoring what others have said or done to you by looking forward to the future with a positive attitude. Life does not end by anyone hurting you. You are more powerful in deciding the way your life should go. You can choose to be happy and over come the negative emotions and all that is pulling you down into discouragement and depression. You can spring back with confidence and change the whole atmosphere around you.
The fact is the only person on this whole earth you are capable of changing is YOU. You can never change other people the way they behave and talk. So learn the truth and never waste your time and energy to change the other person. One person or the other may hurt you in any way. So learn to take care of your emotions and learn how to spring back to positive attitude in no time. The more you become trained in this will help you to over come all the hurt and help you live your life free from the chains that keep you bound to the past. But the positive attitude in you will open new doors in all times and help you to move on and lead a life of joy ignoring the hurt people have caused you.