Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Overcoming Guilt

Guilt is a feeling and it has a negative impact on an individual. Others around us right from the time we were born have a great impact over you. Especially if you have done something that has resulted in a big problem for others or had a negative impact can make  you feel responsible and live with the feeling of guilt. It is mainly self imposed and many times its what others say - "you are the one responsible for all that has happened.". It confines you and keeps you tied to the incident and leads you to depression and isolated living with fear of recurrence.

What is guilt?

According to dictionary, guilt is a feeling of having committed wrong or failed in an obligation;

  • Its a feeling, having an effect on the emotion and affects the thoughts, reactions and decisions made by any person. 
  • Its based on what has been spoken about you by people who you valued much or were holding position above you. 
  • Its the effect of judgmental attitude and statements spoken about you by other which were so hurtful and derogatory that it put you down and brought shame, embarrassment and finally resulting in  you feeling guilty.  

  • Poor self esteem, lack of self respect and broken self image
  • Getting away from people and shutting  yourself alone
  • Always thinking what others will think before taking decisions or doing any work
  • Taking decisions based on what others have told you can do or not do.
  • Feeling hurt inside of you.

Guilt keeps you tied and bound. Its going to walk where ever you go and be where you are. You are never going to be away from it. And the more you relive it the more raw they are in your mind even though they may have been spoken years or decades the past. It confines you and keeps you within a boundary. You don't feel free to take risk and do what ever you want because over the years you don't even think beyond the boundary set by your feeling of guilt. 

Over the years the incident which you did or the event that hurt you and put the feeling of guilt over you convinces you that you are wrong. Its not good and its like a cancer that spreads to others areas of function in your life and cripples your actions. It confines you to a boundary set by you based on the hurt caused by guilt and keeps you there as you are now fearful of venturing out as you think you cannot do it and you don't want to hurt others. This over the years takes the control of defining you and destroying the true nature and desires and ambitions that were in you. It destroys  the artist and the dreamer in you. It keeps you confined in a dark place where no one will be able to reach  and over years it becomes hard and strong. 

  1. First you have to feel the need to come out. No one other than you can walk you out of guilt
  2. Its a choice to let go of what had happened
  3. Every one does wrong and no matter what you have done it can be excused
  4. No matter how grave it is what you have done its not going to be redone by you feeling guilty.
  5. Its you who has confined yourself to guilt. YOU are responsible for the feeling of guilty
  6. YOU are powerful to break the chains of guilt and walk out free
  7. Let go of all the guilt incidents and the sequences of incidents that have put guilt over you
  8. Let them go and don't hold them close to you with self accusation
  9. Don't let others confine you again
  10. When the thoughts rush back to the past just overcome it saying that you cannot redo it by feeling guilty. 
  11. Take steps to try and venture into new areas in life with out fear and thoughts of hurting people
  12. Just because something happened once does not mean it will ALWAYS happen
  13. Be careful not to repeat the same mistake but don't stop trying doing it again
  14. You are powerful and You have the capacity to change your thought and overcome the negative feelings and emotions 
  15. Decide.... take steps...... keep trying and trying........ sooner than you imagined you will be free from the confinement of guilt.

  • You can do it 
  • You are the only one who can do it
  • You can choose and do it 
  • You are capable of walking into 
  • You are powerful to live in

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